- جدار ناري مبني على نواة لينوكس يملك ميزة رائعة بحسب ماجاء في التقديم الخاص بالجدار الناري على صفحتهم الرسمية وهي توفير ادارة للفايرول لنوعان من المستخدمين, النوع الأول هو المستخدم الذي لايملك اي خبرة في الشبكات والأيبي والأمن بصورة عامة والنوع الثاني هو المستخدم الخبير الذي يستطيع التعامل مع موجه الأوامر وبناء الـ IPtables والشيل وهذه قائمةبمميزاته:
- Easy to use goal oriented GUI. You say what the firewall should do without having to explain all the details of how it should do it.
- Application protocol based. Unlike other tools, Guarddog does not require you to understand the ins and outs of IP packets and ports. Guarddog takes care of this for you. This also reduces the chances of configuration mistakes being made which are a prime source of security holes.
- Doesn’t just generate the firewall once and forgets it. Guarddog lets you maintain and modify the firewall in place.
- Hosts/networks can be divided into Zones. Different zones can have different security policies for different.
- Supports the following network protocols: FTP, SSH, Telnet, Linuxconf, Corba, SMTP, DNS, Finger, HTTP, Hf the GNU General Public License. Is Free and will remain Free.
- Provide a stable Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide a secure Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide an opensourced Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide a highly configurable Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide an easily maintained Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide an easily configured Linux Firewall Distribution.
- Provide reliable Support to the IPCop Linux user base.
- Provide an enjoyable environment for the Public to discuss and request assistance.
- Provide stable, secure, and easy to implement upgrades/patches for IPCop Linux.
- Develop an appreciation for both the Linux and Opensource movements in our user base.
- Develop a long lasting relationship with our userbase.
- Strive to adapt IPCop to meet the needs of the Internet of Tomorrow.
- Further develop the Linux Knowledge base of all Project Members and Users.
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